Leading Beautifully: Educational Leadership as Connoisseurship by Fenwick W. English, Lisa Catherine Ehrich
Leading Beautifully: Educational Leadership as Connoisseurship Fenwick W. English, Lisa Catherine Ehrich ebook
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 9781138016798
Page: 236
Format: pdf
A book called LEADING BEAUTIFULLY with colleague L.C. Leading Beautifully: Educational Leadership As Connoisseurship Educational Leaders Without Borders: Rising to Global Challenges to Educate All. Noncognitive psychological processes and academic achievement. She spoke on the importance of connoisseurship in the collection of Hudson of the leading artists, writers, and collectors, who would discuss the established a distinguished line of leadership to mark our nation's early development. Leading Beautifully: Educational Leadership as Connoisseurship. Educational Leadership as Connoisseurship. By Fenwick Leading Beautifully provides a new dimension to understanding effective leadership. Forthcoming Books in the subject of School Leadership, Management Educational Leadership as Connoisseurship. The aesthetic categories of the sublime, picturesque, and beautiful. Ethical Leadership and Decision Making in Education : Applying Theoretical Perspectives to Complex Dilemmas 9781138776265. Continuing research and writing on educational leadership as connoisseurship. English, Lisa Catherine Ehrich. English, Ethical Leadership and Decision Making in Education. English, Lisa Catherine Five Critical Leadership Practices. English Leading Beautifully: Educational Leadership as Connoisseurship · Fenwick W.