Beluga Whale by Rachel Anne Cantor
Beluga Whale Rachel Anne Cantor ebook
ISBN: 9781627248518
Publisher: Bearport Publishing Company, Incorporated
Format: pdf
Page: 24
This lesson asks students to think about how beluga whales survive in icy Arctic and subarctic waters and why they sometimes need to migrate. Juno, a beluga whale living at the Mystic Aquarium in Mystic, Connecticut, doesn' t have a problem with stage fright. At Georgia Aquarium, we've taken a leadership role in conservation and research to help protect marine mammals around the world, including beluga whales. Meet some of the most loved animals at Georgia Aquarium: our beluga whales. Beluga whales have a well-developed, acute sense of hearing. Beluga whales are one of only three species of whales that live their entire life in Arctic waters. The color lightens, usually turning white at 5-6 years old. The auditory cortex of the brain is highly developed. As a beluga whale ages, it periodically produces growth layer groups of dental material. At birth, beluga whales are dark blue-gray in color, measure 4-5 feet long, and weigh 100-140 pounds. She has never mothered a calf, but underwent the first-ever beluga whale artificial insemination in 2005. Few of nature's marvels match the intense aliveness of an Arctic summer. It lives in coastal waters of Arctic Ocean and in the subarctic regions. Beluga whale is the smallest whale on the planet.